Accessibility at Hotel Kreuz by b_smart

    Comfort for All Guests

    At Hotel Kreuz by b_smart, you'll find accessible rooms, wheelchair-friendly showers, and easy access to all areas. Enjoy your stay in Sachseln with maximum comfort and freedom of movement.

    Barrier-free facilities for your comfort

    Advantages of our barrier-free facilities

    The Hotel Kreuz by b_smart offers accessible entrances and wheelchair-accessible rooms. Enjoy easy access to all areas, including elevators and special services for allergy sufferers. Please note that the Farbhaus is not accessible.

    Details on our barrier-free services

    Comprehensive accessibility at the Hotel Kreuz by b_smart

    The hotel offers elevators, wheelchair-accessible rooms, and accessible showers. For additional comfort, special allergy-friendly options are available.

    Accessible Features:

    • Wheelchair-accessible rooms

    • Elevators to all floors

    • Accessible showers

    • Special allergy-friendly breakfast options

    • Disabled parking available